5/5/2008 一个默默无奇的日子
在相聚之下 演变成了最值得留念的一天
12:30 p.m-- gather at gogo ktv...every1 is late...sad...
1:05 p.m -- zen,shan,sim arrived lastly...
3:xx p.m -- becky.dar.yc,sica arrived...hav a fun time singing‘掌声响起来’^^
3:35 p.m -- taking photo n start our journey 2 Pantai Puteri~
4:00 p.m -- ARRIVED~ei...y ev1 missing....ohhh...they r changing thier sandals...muahaha...
4:10 p.m -- hohoh...picnic time~
* tuna bread~by zen(really vvvv delicious orx!!!)
* konnyaku~by yc
* mineral water~by shan (if not ned drank salty sea water dy........><)
* junk food~by sica
-- changing cloth+eat
-- run over seaside n posting like having an mtv there ( acc got ppl watching us really may b they tink we r 'sua ku'wif seaside~who noe??haha...)
-- playing in seawater siting there n let the waves wash us far away++ photo^^
-- keping siao taking photo n eat playink 'pakau' while others start going bath
6:00 p.m -- leaving n going 4 another destination
-- shit me belok salah jalan ni...sorry yarx...hehe....
-- OMG...y traffic jam......................shit!!!
7:05 p.m -- here we r~Bukit Beruang....tats my secret activity acc...sorry la...late d
-- zen rushing home d...only fews of us climbing lor...
-- so tired nie...2 lover 'pat tou' there so not tired at all lo...
-- HoHO..v r on the top of d mountain nie~sorry la...the sun go rest so x sunse available
7:50 p.m -- having our dinner at food court near by there
-- enjoy talking n laugh 2gether
9:10 p.m -- leaving.........T.T.........all going back....take care orx!!! muackxx!!!
well...tats the journey of my whole day on 5/5/2008
altough tired but i really enjoy it much
such a memorable day in my life
after tis.. i noe we all r going seperate
no more laughing n acting crazy 2gether
but frz...
pls dun loss contact wif each other...
it's such sad ...
lets tis history day keep in our mind n ever being 4gotten
i miss n love u all...
~ LoVe Sch3rZo 4eV3r~